How to rank a blog on google's 1st page

rank a blog; blog seo tips; how to rank a blog; ranking blog; blog ranking;

Everyone who blogs want their site to appear on the 1st page of Google. And for that, we use many techniques. Here we will discuss the technique of how to rank a blog.

If you want a lot of organic visitors to your blog, it is important to rank the site. If you can take steps to rank your blog properly, you will succeed.

In this post, we will discuss step-by-step ways to rank a blog. I hope this post will be useful for you. So let's see how to rank a new blog.

    Rank a Blog Basic

    Before you know how to rank a blog, you need to know the basics of ranking your blog. So before focusing on the main blog topic I will discuss the basics of blog rank. Let's get started.

    Meaning of Blog Rank

    The sites that come up when you do a Google search for information are ranking sites. In other words, a blog rank is when a post is listed in the search results of a searcher.

    Every blogger wants to include their site in the search results. Because if you rank your site there is a chance to get a lot of organic traffic.

    If your site is listed only in search results, you will get a lot of organic traffic, it is not right. Because your site must be on the first of the search results.

    Most searchers are usually interested in the results displayed on the first page. Most of the visitors are from here. If your post is in the 1st 5 then you are likely to get more visitors. If you can't get to the 1st page, you will never get the desired visitors from here.

    How long does it take to rank a blog?

    In how many days will your website rank? This is a complex question. Because ranking a blog site depends on several factors. This includes blog age, strength, competition, skills, etc.

    If your site is new, you need to be patient and publish good quality content regularly. And the keywords in the content should be low-competition. Then your site may rank in a short time.

    Many sites can rank a keyword in just 55 to 60 days. Again, it takes about 1 year for many people to rank a keyword. So you understand that there is no specific answer to how long it takes to rank a blog.

    Why blogs need to be ranked

    Everyone starts a blog or a website with a purpose. It could be the promotion of your organization or the sale of products. It can also be for affiliate marketing or making money from any ad platform.

    Regardless of your purpose, ranking the site is essential to success. If visitors do not come to your site, whatever the purpose, it will not succeed.

    You may get some visitors from different social platforms. But Google is the main source of visitors. Because about 5.8 billion searches are done every day on Google to find out about different things.

    If your site is ranked in Google, then there will be no shortage of visitors. This will result in the wider promotion of your product. And your income will increase. That's why you need to rank your site.

    Create SEO optimized content

    SEO and optimized content are easy to rank in search engines. And so always try to write SEO and optimized articles. We will now discuss how to make content SEO-friendly. So let's see how to write SEO content.


    What is SEO? How it works and its types

    10 blog SEO tips to rank higher on Google

    Keyword research help to rank blog

    You need to do keyword research before writing any post. You have to take a keyword that has less competition. Because it is very difficult to rank high competition keywords. At first, it will be more difficult for you.

    There are many ways to do keyword research. We usually use different tools to do keyword research. You can also use Google Suggestions to find the right keyword.

    There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing keywords. E.g.

    1. Related to Niche
    2. Low-competition
    3. High search volume

     By working with these keywords you can easily rank the site. Some tools can help you do keyword research.

    • Google Keyword Planner
    • Ahrefs Keywords Explorer
    • SEMRush
    • Ubersuggest
    • Long Tail Pro
    • KWFinder
    • Moz Keyword Explorer

    Create SEO Friendly Killer title

    After the keyword, the title is the most important part of your content. Because visitors will see the title of the content first. The more interesting the title, the more they usually click on it.

    The title refers to the content, which search engines follow. And that's why your title must be SEO-friendly.

    Use your original keyword in the title. Try to put the keyword at the beginning of the title. Doing so will greatly increase your Content SEO score. Which will help to rank your post.

    The title should not exceed 60 characters. So when you write the title, it is important to count the characters. If necessary, use blog title generator tools like SEOPressor or fatjoe.

    Use sub-headings

    When writing content, use subheadings from time to time. Using subheadings as needed improves the quality of your content. However, do not use unnecessary subheadings.

    Try adding keywords to a few subheadings. However, make sure that the keyword comes naturally in the sub-heading. It does not seem that the keyword has been forcibly placed here.

    Keyword density

    Many of us think too much about keyword density in content. What is the percentage of keyword density, how many keywords should be kept in every 500 words, many people often ask? At present, it is not very important. After Google's recent update, it no longer exists.

    When writing content, don't think that have to put keywords in 500 words so many times. You keep writing content as you like. Try to bring natural keywords to the content.

    Try to put the keyword at least once in the first and last paragraph of the content. Also, naturally, bring as many times as you can, not more. Reading the content, it does not seem that the word has been intentionally pushed here.

    Create SEO friendly URL

    To make any content SEO friendly, it is important to optimize its URL. So when creating a URL, pay attention to a few things. E.g.

    • URL Structure: Bring the keyword after the domain name. Suppose your domain name is and keyword how to do SEO. In this case, the structure of the URL will be to do seo
    • URL Length: Do not make the URL too long. Try to keep it within 3-5 words.

    Eye-catching meta description

    The meta description is the description that appears under the title of the search results in the search engine. It is a short summary of the entire content. From this short description, viewers and search engines can learn about the content.

    Visitors need to be informed about your content by writing meta descriptions. In other words, what the content is Searchritten about, what visitors can know about it by reading it. If your meta description is beautiful, visitors will click here. This will increase the CTR (Click Through Rate) of the site. This will increase your ranking.

    These meta descriptions are usually limited to 300 characters. Again, for a free blogger site, it is limited to 150 characters. You must use your original keyword here.

    Use alt tag in the image

    If your content is just text, it will be very boring for visitors. So be sure to use images in special places in the content. Especially in the lower part of the subheading. Of course, when you insert an image, be sure to tag it. Alt tags are very important for image ranking. Search engines can understand what the image is about with the alt tag.

    Promote your blog on social media

    Social sites are very effective in attracting visitors to your site Sharing your posts on different social sites can get enough visitors from there. This will increase the rank of your site.

    At this stage, I will talk about the top social media platforms. So let's see what these platforms are.

    Share posts on Facebook

    Facebook is currently the most popular and widely used social media. There are about 2.75 billion active users per month. So using this medium you can bring a good amount of visitors to your site.

    You can share blog posts on Facebook profiles and various related groups. 10,000 characters can be used in each post. However, 480 characters are visible in the timeline.

    Introduce the main points of your post interestingly in the first 460 characters. But it is better if you can present the details more briefly. Posts of 50 to 60 characters are more effective for Facebook.

    Tweet your post on Twitter

    Twitter is another powerful social site. You can get enough visitors from here. This site has about 330 million active visitors per month.

    You can use a maximum of 140 characters to share your blog posts on Twitter. And so you can shorten the post links using a URL shortener tool like

    To get more visitors from Twitter, you need to increase your followers. The more related followers you have, the more visitors you can expect.

    Pinterest increases your site traffic

    Like other social sites, Pinterest is one. This site has about 250 million active users every month. So from this platform, you can bring a large amount of traffic to your site.

    Like Twitter, Pinterest also has follower methods. The more followers you can have, the more visitors you will get. And for that you must follow others, then others will follow you.

    Pin your posts regularly on Pinterest to get more visitors. Try to make the pins attractive. Then users will be inspired to click there. Which will increase the rank of your blog in search engines.


    LinkedIn is also a popular social networking site like Facebook and Twitter. This site has 740 million monthly visitors. Therefore, you can understand how many visitors it can send to your site.

    If you want to bring more visitors to your blog site, then create a profile on LinkedIn. Then join different groups related to your niche. Now share your content in all these groups.

    If you regularly share posts and engage with others, you can get a lot of visitors from here. Which will help your blog rank higher.


    If you are a new blogger then you must know how difficult it is to bring visitors to the website. You can use Instagram to make this difficult task easier. Because the number of active visitors to this social site is about 1 billion.

    Increase your niche-related followers on this site. And for that, you follow others. Share your story regularly. Add a link to your post in the shared story. If your stories are interesting, click here. Which will increase the visitors of your site as well as the rank of the blog.

    Get Backlinks to rank blog

    Backlink in search engine optimization (SEO) terms is linking one web page to another web page. That web page can be the main domain of a blog/website or a link to a post. You can think of each backlink of your blog as a vote of one of the blogs.

    Type of backlink

    Backlinks are usually of two types. E.g.

    1. Internal Backlink: When the link of your own web page is linked to a page/post of your blog/website, it will be considered as an Internal Backlink.
    2. External Backlink: When the link of your own web page is linked to the page/post of another blog/website, it will be counted as External Backlink.

    External Backlink is again of 2 types. E.g.

    1. Dofollow backlinks: Duflow backlinks are simple HTML links. Through which the link will refer directly to your site and the blog or post will support this link. Duflo backlinks are the strongest links.
    2. No-follow backlinks: No-follow backlinks are a type of link that prevents a website search engine from crawling/indexing its published backlinks. However, you can get some visitors through it. Popular sites around the world use Nofollow backlinks such as Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, etc.

    Advantages of link building

    When building links, you must give priority to niche-related high PR sites. The current Google Penguin Algorithm only prioritizes quality backlinks. So refrain from creating low-quality backlinks.

    Backlinks will do the following for your blog:

    • Faster Indexing
    • Improve Organic Rank
    • Improve Page and Domain Authority
    • Referral Traffic
    • Building Relationship

    So let's see how to create high-quality backlinks.

    Comment on others blogs to rank your blog

    Commenting is the easiest and most effective way to create backlinks. Most blog sites have the opportunity to comment on posts. You can get backlinks by commenting there. There is also an opportunity to get traffic from here.

    Here are some things to keep in mind when commenting on a blog. For example, we are looking for an auto-approval site for quick comment shows. But that's not right. All the time create backlinks through comments on the manual approval site. Otherwise spamming may occur.

    Another important consideration when commenting is the DA and PA of the site. Always try to comment on your niche-related high DA PA site. This will increase the value of your site. Which will play a role in ranking your blog.

    Add the Moz Chrome extension to your Chrome browser to know the DA PA of any site.

    Guest Blogging

    Guest Blogging is the easiest way for a blogger to make his or her own blog debut. New bloggers can easily create backlinks for their blogs through Guest Blogging. If you can share a good quality unique post in a blog, the admin of that blog can normally give you 1/2 backlinks within that post.

    When you do guest posting on another site, there is also a link to your site as a resource. As a result, the readers of that site can also visit your site through the link attached to that article. Which increases the visitors of to your site.

    You can build relationships with new customers or visitors through guest blogging. It promotes the brand of your site.

    Broken link building

    Broken link building is another easy and most effective way to build links or create backlinks.

    There are billions upon billions of websites/blogs online. New blogs are being created every day, and many are giving up blogging because they can't compete. Moreover many are constantly updating their posts and making changes. As a result of these updates and changes, various blogs are losing their backlinks from those sites. As a result, Broken Link increases on the sites.

    There are various paid and free tools online to find out the broken links. Through which you can easily find Broken Link of any site.


    Inform the writer, editor, or webmaster of the site about building a broken link. Ask them to provide the link to your page in place of that broken link. If your post is compliant, the site owner may agree to your offer.

    Forum posting

    Forum posting is an important strategy for creating backlinks. And creating backlinks is the key to off-page SEO. Lots of backlinks can be created by posting on forums.

    However, creating backlinks in all types of forums may not be effective. Before you start creating backlinks seriously in a forum, find out if the links published in that forum are auto-followed. If auto ‘no-follow is done then creating backlinks will not work for off-page SEO. Because search engines will not follow the link you create.

    Directory Submission

    To create good quality backlinks, you can use directory submission websites. Backlinks can be easily created through these.

    There is very little work to be done to create backlinks to directory submission sites. For this, first, you have to register on a directory submission website. Then, you need to choose a category that is compatible with your blog and add a link to your website.

    Creating backlinks through directory submissions can take a while to get good results But it is a very effective process.

    Since there is very little work in this method, do not add links to any one of these types of websites but add links to different websites like this. If you search on Google, you will find hundreds of directory submission websites. Ensure the presence of your links on well-ranked websites.

    However, if the link published in a forum is not auto-no-follow, then close your eyes and ears and start building the link. This will undoubtedly advance the work of your website's off-page SEO.

    Creating backlinks via YouTube

    YouTube is currently the most popular video-sharing platform. With the number of YouTube users going up, it's easy to guess how big a prospect it is in the future. YouTube's DA / PA value is also much higher. So if you insert the link of your blog on YouTube, you can get good results.

    Nowadays everyone likes branding. I have seen a lot of bloggers opening blogs on YouTube with the same name as well as blogging. How do they know? Nothing. When you publish an article on a blog, you just read the reading beautifully and record that reading and attach it to the beautiful relevant picture and leave it on YouTube.

    This is not surprising. Their purpose is not to rank on YouTube. Their purpose is to insert links to the thematic articles of their blogs in the description box. For one thing, the value of links on YouTube to search engines is much higher than most other popular websites.

    Create backlinks through Q&A websites

    Q&A websites are a lot like social media websites. People write about themselves on social media sites. This is how people write their own questions on Q&A websites.

    It is possible to create backlinks using question-answer sites. This is a fairly simple way to create backlinks.

    On the question-answer sites, people ask different questions according to their needs And others answer that.

    If you have a blog of your own, you must know that every single article published in the blog has answers to many questions. If you see a question on the question-answer sites, the answer to which exists in any article of your blog, then write the answer to that question in a nice little language and put a link to a relevant article of your blog for details.

    Also, you can use the link of any relevant article on your website as a footnote by writing the answer as you like.

    If the language of your blog is English, there will be no shortage of Q&A websites on the Internet that discusses topics that are compatible with your site.

    Quora is the first saree question-and-answer site. You may want to use this site. Because the brand value of this site is quite good and the visitors are also very high.

    Bonus Tips for rank blog

    If you have completed the above tasks correctly, then you have come a long way in ranking your blog. Here are some bonus tips regarding blog rank for you at this stage. These steps will further elevate your blog in SERP results.

    Reduce Bounce rate

    A website's ranking largely depends on the bounce rate.

    You can come to the first page of Google by doing on-page and off-page SEO. But whether you get to the top position from there or lose will depend entirely on the bounce rate and the average watch time.

    If your article does not depend on the title, visitors will bounce, that's normal. That is, the title of the post and the content of the article must be consistent. Otherwise, they will come to your site after seeing the title but they will go back because they did not get the information as expected. This will increase the bounce rate of your site, which will have a negative effect on the ranking of any blog.

    Another reason for increasing the bounce rate of a blog is that the site is not user-friendly. If so, the chances of bouncing visitors will increase manifold. Because if the site does not have the option to easily navigate from one page to another, then normally visitors will come out from the first page.

    Publish standard content to reduce bounce rate. Write content so that visitors can find out what they want from here. Give links to other related posts, so that they can easily access that post if needed.

    Create a separate clickable menu for each page of your site. This will help visitors to easily access different pages. And then they will spend more time on your site. This will reduce the bounce rate of the site.

    Increase page loading speed

    The standard time for loading a website is 3 seconds. According to Google, if a website does not fully load within 3 seconds, the website loses 30% of visitors. So make sure your site is fast loading.

    The website loading speed can be slow for various reasons. However, the significant reasons are-

    1. Low-quality hosting: One of the main reasons why websites are slow is to use low-quality hosting. So always use hosting from a reputed company. This will get the loading speed of the site better.
    2. Page size: Another big reason for slow website loading speed is the large page size. In this case, the image used in the post plays an important role. This problem is exacerbated by the use of larger images. So make sure the image size is within 100 KB.
    3.  Video files: I often upload video files directly to A posts. As a result, the entire web page takes longer to load. So try to upload the video to Youtube / Vimeo and embed it in the linked post. This will load the page relatively quickly.
    4. Using too many plugins: Using too many plugins is one of the reasons for the low loading speed of the website. We often install many plugins on the site that are not needed or do not delete them even when the work is done. These plugins reduce the loading speed of the site. So there is no substitute for using a moderate number of plugins to keep the website smooth and fast.

    Publish long content to rank blog

    Always try to publish relatively long content to complete your posts. This improves the SEO value of your post. In addition, Google prefers long content. This makes it possible to rank your blog.

    Creating long-form content allows readers to get the information they need from here. As a result, they spend more time on your site. They also come here again to know more information at different times. This will increase the credibility of your blog with Google.

    When creating long content you need to make sure that you do not deviate from the main topic. If you deviate from the main topic, the audience will lose interest in them. Also, since the content is irrelevant, Google will not rank it.

    Do a Google search for the topic you are writing about. Take a good look at the posts of the sites that ranked above this topic. Make a note of the information they add to their posts. Now you focus on this kind of information in your post.

    When you include 5/6 site information in one of your posts, this post will be long and informative. When visitors see that you have mentioned all the information in the same post, they will pay attention here. This will reduce the bounce rate of your site.

    SEO friendly blog design

    The theme is a very important part of any website. The outlook and output of your site depend a lot on the theme. So use a theme that is beautiful to look at and SEO-friendly.

    Use a blog theme that supports all types of devices. Because nowadays Internet users use desktops, laptops, tabs, as well as mobile devices. Make your theme all these device-friendly. Then users will be able to visit your blog from any type of device. This will increase the rank of your site in Google SERP.

    The codes used in the blog theme affect the SEO of the site as a whole. Because this coding manages theme design, site speed, content formatting, and structured data. And so use irrelevant coding themes to rank your blog. Use the Markup Validation Service ( to find out if there are any errors in your theme.

    Choosing a blog theme ensures that there is no unnecessary coding. Free themes usually contain such unnecessary code. So always use a lightweight, responsive, good-looking premium template. So your site will support all kinds of devices, it will look good and there will be no error coding.


    Fix 404 Page Not Found on Blogger 

    Bottom Line

    There is no specific way to bring your site to the 1st page of Google. But there are some essentials that can rank a blog. And in this post, we tried to explain those things to you.

    If you apply the above-mentioned issues correctly on your own blog, you will get results in a very short time. So I would say consistently publish quality content, share posts on different social sites, and create quality backlinks.

    If you still have any comments or queries about how to rank a blog, please let us know in the comments. And if you like the post, if you find it useful, then share it.

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