What is SEO? How it works and its types

what is seo; how does seo works, types of seo, search engine optimization

Most people around the world now use the Internet for a variety of reasons. Everyone who works with a blog or website is familiar with the term "SEO". In this article, we have discussed what is SEO, how it works, and its types.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization, There are two meaningful parts to these 3 words. One is a Search Engine and the other is Optimization. So SEO is a kind of technical web strategy to optimize search engines.

Simply put, SEO is the strategy or process of getting a blog/website in a good position in search results. It can also be called a kind of systematic trick to get good results from search engines.

How does SEO work?

If you want to bring a website to the search engine rankings, you have to do SEO on that site. SEO works with a website's content, site architecture, HTML title tags, meta descriptions, bringing that site to search engine rankings.

Moreover, backlink building, social sharing, trust-building increase the popularity of the website on the Internet but also bring the website to the rank of search engines.

Each search engine has its own set of algorithms that are updated from time to time. With the algorithm update, the search results page also changes.

In this way, SEO techniques and techniques have to be changed in the changed situation. If someone does not follow the basic principles or terms and conditions of search engines, his website may be penalized by search engine algorithms.

 If a website is penalized or blacklisted, then that site can never be brought up in the search engine rankings normally. Therefore, the work of SEO should be done in an ideal way in accordance with the principles of Nimay.

SEO Types

A good news SEO strategy will strategically encourage all kinds of SEOs to drive real results. There are three main types of SEO -

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO relates to the content and meta tags of your website, such as your title, page content, and structure. On-page SEO helps search engines understand content and rank.

This is the process of web page optimization to gain better rankings and drive relevant traffic. This type of SEO includes -

Keyword research

This is the most important part of on-page SEO. Start by looking for the best primary keyword for your page - it should be relevant and relevant to your content, users will search for it and you will be able to compete for its rank.

Also Read: How to Get Right Blog Topic Ideas

Assign a primary and some related keywords to your content and form a content plan around. If you're looking for content around "Content Marketing" or "Digital Marketing", do a detailed study of what people are looking for and in which keywords you can actually compete.

Content creation

Create original, unique, high-quality content with an original title that contains basic keywords. Longform content - has a better chance of ranking more than 800 words.

Make sure the content is well researched, integrated, and scannable. Another way to improve rankings is to post consistently, frequently, and update your old content.


Use target keywords and secondary keywords appropriately throughout the body copy. Your content should have a 2-3% keyword density. Ensure good HTML tagging - title tags, meta descriptions, schema codes, and subheads.

Use Google Search Console’s “HTML improvements Report'' to fix any issues. Adding internal and outbound links, images, and setting relevant tags and categories will help you optimize your web page rank.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO relates to everything except the content of your website. It is the process of improving the user experience by improving site infrastructure and navigability. This makes it easier for search engines to crawl, which rewards them with better rankings.

This type of SEO The more links there are on the pages of your site, the easier it is for crawlers to reach them. This type of SEO focuses on increase site speed, responsiveness, indexing, site architecture, structure data, crawl ability, and security.

Technical SEO doesn't just affect search engines - improvements positively affect user engagement and conversion rates. Keep an eye on duplicate content and broken links - they adversely affect the rank of pages.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO relates to the relationship your website shares with the rest of the Internet. This includes website reputation, credibility, and information sharing strategies for creating ecosystems.

Most of it comes from generating high-quality backlinks - a huge amount of high-quality backlinks that redirect traffic to your website and teach search engines to trust your content.

Spend some time creating relevant and high-quality backlinks and guest-postings - to be a more reliable, reliable source of content.

The value of the link is more important than the number of links. Larger companies, older companies, and those that have more features tend to perform better (rank) in off-page SEO.

Another external factor affecting off-page SEO is the good results of social media and PR. This means the quality and number of social signals, which gives credibility to your website.

Working on just one of these types of SEOs does not yield optimal results. Instead, choose your quick win from each type of SEO and prioritize accordingly.

Working on the content of your website, its infrastructure, and its external reputation are equally important.

We hope, now you can understand SEO, how does it work, and its types. If you have any more questions about what is search engine optimization, let us know in the comment box.

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